Couples therapy in Berlin

Couples therapy in Polish for couples and partners.

Make an appointment 0151 207 91843

Psychologist for couples and partners in Berlin

Mgr Alicja Grezlikowski

I am a clinical psychologist, a graduate of the University of Humanities and Social Sciences SWPS in Wroclaw.
I gained my professional experience working in the Lower Silesian Centre for Mental Health and in a pedagogical and psychological counselling centre in Wroclaw.
I have been running a psychological practice in Berlin in Polish for 5 years.

When working with clients, I am guided by the belief that the most important thing is the person. Being a psychologist often gives me the opportunity to help in the most difficult moments of life. And being a psychologist gives me the opportunity to help often in the most difficult moments of life.

In order to improve the functioning and well-being of my clients, I focus on their current life situation. I use treatment methods based on the current of cognitive-behavioural psychology, which is considered to be the most effective in the treatment of many common problems of psychological nature, including couples therapy. In addition, I often reflect with clients on the role of childhood and the past in their lives. Recognising that it often has a significant impact on who we are today. All this is done so that clients, together with my psychological help, are as aware as possible of the relationship between their thoughts, feelings and behaviour. As a result, they regained their emotional balance and recognized the source of their problems.


Psycholog w Berlinie po polsku

Let's take a closer look at couples therapy

Is couples therapy for you?

What is couples therapy

Couples therapy is a series of meetings dedicated to people forming a marriage or partnership. The aim of couples therapy is to improve the quality of the relationship. In the main, the partners learn to communicate correctly, based on a constructive exchange and mutual openness to each other, their feelings and needs. The reason why couples come to couples therapy is often mutual frustration or helplessness as a result of growing conflicts. Also, lack of acceptance, trust or security, that have a negative impact on family or partnership relationships, including children together. Couples therapy is a great opportunity to look at difficult, hidden emotions and to say out loud what is most difficult for us. It is also a chance to look objectively at the relationship, oneself and to see “anew” what two people have in common and how much they mean to each other. Which is difficult as a result of unresolved conflicts and forgotten by couples. All these and other mechanisms in the course of couples therapy, in cooperation with a specialist psychologist, are aimed at bringing the partners back together and saving the marriage/relationship from breaking up.

Aims of couples therapy

Couples therapy focuses on improving the quality of the relationship in a marriage or partnership. Using techniques that aim, among other things, to rebuild trust, the ability to talk constructively, openness to emotions and each other. Couples therapy also aims to learn to accept each other’s past, to find the source and cause of certain behavioural mechanisms, and to effectively resolve any difficulties including growing conflicts. The aim is also to improve the closeness of the partners by opening up about their needs and expectations.

How does couples therapy work

Couples therapy often raises unnecessary fears/resistance or feelings of shame. That is why, as a psychologist, I try to relax the atmosphere of the meeting as soon as possible, so that it is friendly, with plenty of room for humour. The first meeting is an organisational meeting. Topics include the general situation in the relationship and information about the partners. For example – how long have you known each other, do you have children, there may be questions about the past or childhood. We also discuss organisational topics like – purpose, length and frequency of meetings. In couple therapy, meetings are held in a mixed structure. This means that we will meet both together and in individual meetings with each partner. Because there may be issues or topics that are easier for you to address individually and for the professional to be even more objective about the relationship situation.

The psychologist’s role in couples therapy

As a psychologist, I am aware that I meet couples who are at a difficult time for them. Because of the intimacy and sensitivity of the topics couples bring up in couples therapy, I am committed to making our meetings as comfortable and safe as possible for everyone. Therefore, I am bound by complete discretion, supported by medical confidentiality. My role is to be completely objective, impartial and not to judge the decisions, choices or world views of my clients . My task and aim is to conduct couples’ therapy in such a way and direction that the partners, as a result of mutual openness, improve their marital or partnership relationship avoiding separation or divorce.

Online consultation

If you find it difficult to get to your appointment, you can talk to me online.

I offer consultations on Skype or Whatsapp.


When to see a psychologist for couples therapy

No matter how many months or years you have been together, you still care about the well-being of your relationship and your partner, but you both fail to reach out to each other, it is worth seeing a psychologist to help you regain your balance.

In addition, it is worth seeking help if:

make an appointment

Does couples therapy work ?

In my professional experience, I have managed to help many conflicted marriages and couples through couples therapy. An important element for the success of couple therapy is the mutual motivation of the partners to improve their relationship. And putting into practice the techniques learnt, which influence mutual openness, respect, acceptance, expectations and values, and are based on mutual understanding and empathy. It is also important to accept each other’s pasts, the mistakes that have been made and the willingness to move on together, despite previous difficulties. Another important point that guards happiness is time. It is said that until emotions bubble up, even the most difficult ones that cause pain, everything is salvageable. When indifference enters a relationship, it is much more difficult to take the first step in the fight to regain shared happiness.

0151 207 91843

Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 21:00


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0151 207 91843


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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie podanych w formularzu danych osobowych zgodnie z ustawa o ochronie danych osobowych w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na wpisane zapytanie.
Zostałem poinformowany, że podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne do udzielenia odpowiedzi na zapytanie oraz ze przysługuje mi prawo dostępu do danych, ich zmiany, usunięcia i zaprzestania przetwarzania. Administratorem danych osobowych jest Alicja Grezlikowski, Renatenweg 15, 12249 Berlin. Polityka prywatności